It rained quite hard last night, but the humidity and heat are back this morning with the sun. The aphids and white flies have diminished somewhat from yesterday, but a few are still visible. My hunch is that the rain washed away my organic insecticidal soap solution. I'll have to check the plants later today. This morning I weeded the vegetable/ fruit bed that is agains the side of the house, tried to remove weeds from the walk, and transplanted the English lavender and the rosemary into larger pots on the deck. There was not as much birdsong this morning as we've had other mornings.
Later in the day: For the first time ever I hired Martin Manley landscaping to trim our shrubs and trees. It looks so much better out there. Larry has always done the shrubs, and has done a pretty good job, but he has not done them this year, and it was pretty shaggy out there. The tree work included cutting limbs from the hemlocks on the property line, and removing dead limbs from the large pine tree. I talked to Mr. Manley about mulching, but he is going to the Cape and unavailable.
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